+689 87 72 08 28

Internet and Digital Law

Data Protection Law

> Audit and compliance with European texts, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), French and Polynesian legislation and regulations
> Development and follow-up of processing registers
> Risk assessment and drafting of privacy impact assessment (PIA)
> Assistance with general data protection policy and binding corporate rules (BCR)
> Data protection officer (DPO) assistance
> Analysis and drafting of contracts related to the processing of personal data
> Assistance in the exercise of your rights (access, deletion, limitation, rectification, etc.)

> Relations with the CNIL, assistance in the event of controls and disputes

Domain Names Law

> Search for availability, deposit and renewal
> Portfolio construction and management
> Audit, valuation and financial evaluation
> Surveillance, formal notice
> Audit, negotiation and drafting of contracts
> Initiation of extrajudicial (UDRP, SYRELI) and/or judicial actions

Telecommunications Law

> Audit, negotiation and drafting of contracts: partnership, sale or lease of equipment, infrastructure or transmission capacity, provision of services, interconnection, hosting, outsourcing, roaming, IRU, user contracts, etc
> Litigation before the regulatory authorities (appeals before the Conseil d’Etat, litigation before the Competition Authority) and before the judicial courts

E-commerce Law

> E-commerce site audit
> Audit, negotiation and drafting of contracts (relations with clients and service providers)
> Drafting of general terms and conditions of sale (T&C), general terms and conditions of use (T&C) and legal notices
> Initiation of extrajudicial and/or judicial actions

E-reputation Law

> Analysis and evaluation of the company’s brand image
> Assistance in the development of the company’s communication policy
> Assessment of breaches of image and privacy, in the media, on the Internet, on social networks: defamation, denigration, insults, violation of the presumption of innocence, etc
> Identification of authors by means of digital investigation or pre-litigation legal requests
> Deletion of illegal content, right to dereferencing and forgetting
> Referral and LCEN request
> Monitoring, formal notice
> Audit, negotiation and drafting of contracts
> Implementation of extrajudicial and/or judicial actions


> Fraud and malicious computer use, hacking, phishing
> Fraudulent access and alteration of an automated data processing system
> Cybersurveillance, data theft, illegal downloading
> Child pornography, harassment, cyberbullying and blackmail
> Identity theft, defamation and online insult
> Implementation of legal actions

Database Law and Software Law

> Definition of the protection strategy
Audit, negotiation and drafting of contracts: development, maintenance, user licensing, assignment

> Initiation of extrajudicial and/or judicial actions

Web3, artificial intelligence, internet of things, virtual reality, blockchain

> Feasibility study, definition of the protection strategy
> Audit, negotiation and drafting of contracts
> Implementation of extrajudicial and/or judicial actions